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American Civil War in Photography. Альбом


Название: American Civil War in Photography. Album
Издательство / источник: National Archives and Records Administration
Год: 1861-1865
Страниц: 202
Формат: JPEG
Размер: 53,7 MB

Фотографическая летопись Гражданской войны Североамериканских Штатов из собрания Национального Архива США.


Из альбома:

Columbiad guns of the Confederate water battery at Warrington, Fla., February 1861

A 200-pound Parrott rifle in Fort Gregg on Morris Island, S.C., 1865

Confederate torpedoes, shot, and shells in front of the arsenal, Charleston, S.C., 1865

A 15-inch Rodman gun in Battery Rodgers, Alexandria, Va.

Fort Sumter, S.C., April 14, 1861, under the Confederate flag

Fort Morgan, Mobile Point, Ala., 1864, showing damage to the south side of the fort


Barricades on Duke Street, Alexandria, Va., erected to protect the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Confederate cavalry, 1861

The ''Pulpit'' after capture, Fort Fisher, N.C., January 1865

Fort Sumter, S.C., viewed from a sandbar in Charleston Harbor, 1865

Fort Massachusetts, sally port and soldiers, 1861. The fort was renamed Fort Stevens in 1863


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